Dede's Lottery Stand / My Biggest Raffle Up to Date / May 2020
MY LOTTERY STAND was open for the public 🌟 Inviting everyone to come over and collect a free raffle ticket
FOR A CHANCE TO WIN AN ORIGINAL ARTWORK! (one winner was announced on the last evening)
🥰 Thank you hundreds of people who came to my lottery stand and took part in the biggest bandaid raffle up to date!! It was great meeting you all!
> Click here and here to watch more
The lottery stand is part of a huge event organized by LovingArt organisation
Thank you so much everybody who made this one come true!
Dafna Kron, Renana Raz, Merav Perez, Kobi Even Haim, Rabinovitch Foundation, Tel-Aviv Municipality and Mifal Hapais.
Thank you Nitzan Mintz my love for all your help and for welcoming everyonne at the stand!