Artist book launching event // September 2016
About the book by Hagar Bril:
Dede tends to document his works constantly, almost obsessively. Throughout his artistic path he has accumulated a rich visual archive which includes references, research, studio works, and street pieces, all coming together in the form of a book.
Launching event
photo by Oren Shlev
Dede’s documentation presented in the book exposes his large body of work and production, while revealing the ever-changing city landscape. This book immortalizes Dede’s practice and thought, alongside the dynamic changes of the city as it goes through phases of development, destruction and renewal. This scope of vision allows insight into the relationship between the urban system, the human conduct and an individual’s being in the world.
You can order your own copy of Dede's book right here
Dede's artist book
Launching event
photo by Oren Shlev
Launching event
photo by Oren Shlev
Launching event
photo by Oren Shlev